
Metroarcheo – The Experience of the Adele-RS Project

Event Meeting

Event, Metroarcheo

19-21 Ottobre, 2023

Knowledge and decay assessment to manage a restoration plan and to define a valorisation program for a sustainable CH conservation: The experience of the ADELE-RS project

The Adele-RS Project, funded by the Erasmus+ Programme (measureVETKA2020), develops a homogeneous solution, called the Adele-RS System, which integrates the most advanced technologies for e-Learning with the most transversal ones aimed at e-Work.
To this transversal objective, the Project adds a more specific goal that applies the Adele-RS System to the specialization of a particular and interesting target of users: the graduates in the Restoration, Conservation and Valorisation of Cultural Heritage in order to fill the gap in knowledge and sectoral skills when students leaving university in relation to the needs of the field, so as to consolidate their employability, also in the transnational and international dimension.

Erasmus+ supports the priorities and activities set out in the European Education Area, the Digital Education Action Plan, and the Adele-RS Project is aimed to apply these objectives in Restoration Project Management and in Valorisation on Cultural Heritage field.
