University of Calabria
Department of Biology, Ecology and Earth Science

Via Pietro Bucci, 87036
Arcavacata di Rende (Cosenza), ITALY


Prof. Nicola Leone

Legal Officer
Associate Professor Department of Biology, Ecology and Earth Sciences

Prof. Mauro Francesco La Russa

Adele-RS Project Manager

The University of Calabria (UNICAL) hosts 14 Departments and almost 80 degree courses. The teaching staff is composed of over 900 professors, including full professors, associate professors, researchers and research fellows. The administrative staff includes more than 750 employees. UNICAL is one of the few residential “University Campuses” in Italy as well as one of the largest. All departments are strongly oriented towards research, carried out at national and international level. In addition, the departments offer postgraduate programs in different fields of study, providing opportunities for academic growth for the younger generation.

Research is often financially supported by external organisations; in this regard, UNICAL provides scientific support to numerous projects within the Calabria region and / or in collaboration with other prestigious Research Institutes.
The University of Calabria is making great efforts to promote the sustainable development of the region at national and international level. This academic and innovative approach is making UNICAL a successful and constantly growing reality in Southern Italy and in all areas of the Mediterranean, as evidenced by a recent CENSIS survey where UNICAL ranked first among medium-sized universities (20,000-40,000 students).

UNICAL hosts several laboratories engaged in research on Cultural Heritage, more precisely dedicated to the Conservation, Protection and Restoration of Historical and Archaeological Heritage. The research team, with its wide range of expertise (geologists, chemists, conservation scientists, biologists, etc.) is continuously involved in studies and research related to the dissemination and protection of cultural heritage, coming from both aerial and marine environments. Activities also focus on the integration and implementation of new methodologies and tools through a scientific and multidisciplinary approach. UNICAL and its “Cultural Heritage” team have recently obtained numerous awards together with extensive funding from competitive calls at European, National and Regional level, collaborating with a wide network of partnerships on a European and non-European scale. More than 220 “memoranda” of cooperation/understanding have been signed between UNICAL and HEIs in Europe and beyond.

The laboratories involved in research on Cultural Heritage, located at the Department of Biology, Ecology and Earth Sciences (DiBEST) of UNICAL, represent one of the most important structures for the Conservation, Protection and Study of Cultural Heritage of Southern Italy. The research and related activities are linked to the Single-Cycle Master’s Degree Course in “Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage”, of DiBEST, which is expressed through synergistic collaborations with Superintendents and other Research Institutions.

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